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Title Sum-
Institution Dataset ID
   set  data   graph     files  RQM - CTD Data From the Coriolis II Concerted Mission (MAP2023): PLAINE | Données CTD de la
mission concertée sur le Coriolis II (MAP2023) : PLAINE
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Réseau Québec mar...  ?

The Dataset's Variables and Attributes

Row Type Variable Name Attribute Name Data Type Value
attribute NC_GLOBAL call_sign String CGDN
attribute NC_GLOBAL cdm_data_type String Profile
attribute NC_GLOBAL cdm_profile_variables String Station_ID
attribute NC_GLOBAL Conventions String COARDS, CF-1.10, ACDD-1.3
attribute NC_GLOBAL country_institute_code String 18QO
attribute NC_GLOBAL country_of_origin String Canada
attribute NC_GLOBAL creator_country String Canada
attribute NC_GLOBAL creator_name String UQAR-ISMER
attribute NC_GLOBAL creator_type String institution
attribute NC_GLOBAL cruise_chief_scientist String Maude Boissonault, Ludovic Pascal
attribute NC_GLOBAL cruise_description String MAP: mission annuelle PLAINE
attribute NC_GLOBAL cruise_end_date String 2023-07-11T12:00:00Z
attribute NC_GLOBAL cruise_name String Mission PLAINE
attribute NC_GLOBAL cruise_number String 2023_13
attribute NC_GLOBAL cruise_start_date String 2023-07-05T12:00:00Z
attribute NC_GLOBAL defaultDataQuery String &time>=min(time)
attribute NC_GLOBAL defaultGraphQuery String &time>=min(time)&.bgColor=0xffffffff
attribute NC_GLOBAL DOI String (external link)
attribute NC_GLOBAL Easternmost_Easting double -63.30505
attribute NC_GLOBAL event_data_type String CTD
attribute NC_GLOBAL featureType String Profile
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_lat_max double 50.17888
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_lat_min double 47.92932
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_lat_units String degrees_north
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_lon_max double -63.30505
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_lon_min double -70.87116
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_lon_units String degrees_east
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_vertical_max double 371.9711
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_vertical_min double 0.495745
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_vertical_positive String down
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_vertical_units String m
attribute NC_GLOBAL ices_platform_codes String 18OL
attribute NC_GLOBAL infoUrl String (external link)
attribute NC_GLOBAL institution String Réseau Québec maritime
attribute NC_GLOBAL instrument String Sea-Bird SBE 911plus
attribute NC_GLOBAL instrument_inst_type String Sea-Bird
attribute NC_GLOBAL instrument_model String SBE 9
attribute NC_GLOBAL instrument_serial_number long 5769
attribute NC_GLOBAL instrument_type String CTD
attribute NC_GLOBAL keywords String CTD, fluorescence, oceanographic missions, oxygen, physical-chemical, salinity, water density, water temperature
attribute NC_GLOBAL keywords_fr String CTD, température de l'eau, oxygène, fluorescence, salinité, densité eau, missions océanographiques, physico-chimie
attribute NC_GLOBAL keywords_vocabulary String GCMD Science Keywords
attribute NC_GLOBAL license String Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license CC-BY 4.0
attribute NC_GLOBAL licenseUrl String (external link)
attribute NC_GLOBAL Northernmost_Northing double 50.17888
attribute NC_GLOBAL organization String RQM / ISMER / Québec Océan
attribute NC_GLOBAL platform String research vessel
attribute NC_GLOBAL platform_id String 18OL
attribute NC_GLOBAL platform_name String Coriolis II
attribute NC_GLOBAL platform_owner String institutions: ISMER, UQAM, McGill University, INRS-ETE, MLI-DFO
attribute NC_GLOBAL platform_vocabulary String (external link)
attribute NC_GLOBAL profile_direction String DN
attribute NC_GLOBAL publisher_identifier String (external link)
attribute NC_GLOBAL publisher_name String St. Lawrence Global Observatory
attribute NC_GLOBAL publisher_name_fr String Observatoire global du Saint-Laurent
attribute NC_GLOBAL sdn_platform_urn String SDN:C17::18OL
attribute NC_GLOBAL sourceUrl String (local files)
attribute NC_GLOBAL Southernmost_Northing double 47.92932
attribute NC_GLOBAL standard_name_vocabulary String CF Standard Name Table v70
attribute NC_GLOBAL subsetVariables String Station_Name, Station_ID, QTEMP_02, QPSAL_02, QTRAN_01, QCPHLPR01, QPHPH_01, QDOXYSCKG, QSIGT_02, QSIGP_02
attribute NC_GLOBAL summary String Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) profile data collected from the ship Coriolis II on the PLAINE mission from 05-Jul-2023 to 11-Jul-2023.
attribute NC_GLOBAL summary_fr String Profils de salinité, température, pression collecté à partir du Coriolis II pendant la mission PLAINE entre le 05 juillet 2023 et le 11 juillet 2023.
attribute NC_GLOBAL time_coverage_end String 2023-07-11T23:57:10Z
attribute NC_GLOBAL time_coverage_start String 2023-07-05T21:40:06Z
attribute NC_GLOBAL title String RQM - CTD Data From the Coriolis II Concerted Mission (MAP2023): PLAINE | Données CTD de la mission concertée sur le Coriolis II (MAP2023) : PLAINE
attribute NC_GLOBAL Westernmost_Easting double -70.87116
attribute NC_GLOBAL wmo_platform_code String 8818570
variable Station_Name   String  
attribute Station_Name ioos_category String Identifier
attribute Station_Name long_name String Station Identifier
attribute Station_Name units String unitless
variable Station_ID   int  
attribute Station_ID actual_range int 1, 33
attribute Station_ID cf_role String profile_id
attribute Station_ID ioos_category String Identifier
attribute Station_ID long_name String Station Identifier
attribute Station_ID units String unitless
variable time   double  
attribute time _CoordinateAxisType String Time
attribute time actual_range double 1.688593206E9, 1.68911983E9
attribute time axis String T
attribute time calendar String proleptic_gregorian
attribute time coverage_content_type String coordinate
attribute time ioos_category String Time
attribute time long_name String Time
attribute time name String time
attribute time nerc_identifier String (external link)
attribute time standard_name String time
attribute time time_origin String 01-JAN-1970 00:00:00
attribute time timezone String UTC
attribute time units String seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z
variable latitude   double  
attribute latitude _CoordinateAxisType String Lat
attribute latitude _FillValue double NaN
attribute latitude actual_range double 47.92932, 50.17888
attribute latitude axis String Y
attribute latitude colorBarMaximum double 90.0
attribute latitude colorBarMinimum double -90.0
attribute latitude coverage_content_type String coordinate
attribute latitude ioos_category String Location
attribute latitude long_name String Latitude
attribute latitude nerc_identifier String (external link)
attribute latitude standard_name String latitude
attribute latitude units String degrees_north
variable longitude   double  
attribute longitude _CoordinateAxisType String Lon
attribute longitude _FillValue double NaN
attribute longitude actual_range double -70.87116, -63.30505
attribute longitude axis String X
attribute longitude colorBarMaximum double 180.0
attribute longitude colorBarMinimum double -180.0
attribute longitude coverage_content_type String coordinate
attribute longitude ioos_category String Location
attribute longitude long_name String Longitude
attribute longitude nerc_identifier String (external link)
attribute longitude standard_name String longitude
attribute longitude units String degrees_east
variable depth   float  
attribute depth _CoordinateAxisType String Height
attribute depth _CoordinateZisPositive String down
attribute depth _FillValue float NaN
attribute depth actual_range float 0.49574497, 371.97107
attribute depth ancillary_variables String QPRES_01 QCFF_01
attribute depth axis String Z
attribute depth colorBarMaximum double 400.0
attribute depth colorBarMinimum double 0.0
attribute depth coverage_content_type String coordinate
attribute depth ioos_category String Location
attribute depth legacy_gf3_code String PRES_01
attribute depth long_name String Depth (spatial coordinate) relative to water surface in the water body
attribute depth nerc_identifier String (external link)
attribute depth positive String down
attribute depth sdn_P02_urn String SDN:P02::AHGT
attribute depth sdn_parameter_name String Depth (spatial coordinate) relative to water surface in the water body
attribute depth sdn_parameter_urn String SDN:P01::ADEPZZ01
attribute depth sdn_uom_name String Metres
attribute depth sdn_uom_urn String SDN:P06::ULAA
attribute depth standard_name String depth
attribute depth units String m
variable SeaFloorDepth   double  
attribute SeaFloorDepth actual_range double 10.0, 380.8
attribute SeaFloorDepth colorBarMaximum double 400.0
attribute SeaFloorDepth colorBarMinimum double 0.0
attribute SeaFloorDepth ioos_category String Bathymetry
attribute SeaFloorDepth long_name String Sea floor depth
attribute SeaFloorDepth nerc_identifier String (external link)
attribute SeaFloorDepth standard_name String sea_floor_depth_below_sea_surface
attribute SeaFloorDepth units String m
variable PRESPR01   double  
attribute PRESPR01 _FillValue double NaN
attribute PRESPR01 actual_range double 0.5, 375.5
attribute PRESPR01 ancillary_variables String QPRES_01 QCFF_01
attribute PRESPR01 colorBarMaximum double 400.0
attribute PRESPR01 colorBarMinimum double 0.0
attribute PRESPR01 coverage_content_type String coordinate
attribute PRESPR01 instrument String Pressure, Digiquartz with TC
attribute PRESPR01 ioos_category String Location
attribute PRESPR01 legacy_gf3_code String PRES_01
attribute PRESPR01 long_name String Pressure (spatial coordinate) exerted by the water body by profiling pressure sensor and correction to read zero at sea level
attribute PRESPR01 nerc_identifier String (external link)
attribute PRESPR01 Quality_Flag String 1 - Value seems correct
attribute PRESPR01 sdn_P02_urn String SDN:P02::AHGT
attribute PRESPR01 sdn_parameter_name String Pressure (spatial coordinate) exerted by the water body by profiling pressure sensor and correction to read zero at sea level
attribute PRESPR01 sdn_parameter_urn String SDN:P01::PRESPR01
attribute PRESPR01 sdn_uom_name String Decibars
attribute PRESPR01 sdn_uom_urn String SDN:P06::UPDB
attribute PRESPR01 standard_name String sea_water_pressure
attribute PRESPR01 units String decibar
variable TEMPS902   double  
attribute TEMPS902 _FillValue double NaN
attribute TEMPS902 actual_range double 0.1234, 18.3784
attribute TEMPS902 ancillary_variables String QTEMP_02 QCFF_01
attribute TEMPS902 colorBarMaximum double 20.0
attribute TEMPS902 colorBarMinimum double 0.0
attribute TEMPS902 coverage_content_type String physicalMeasurement
attribute TEMPS902 instrument String Sea-Bird SBE 3plus
attribute TEMPS902 ioos_category String Temperature
attribute TEMPS902 legacy_gf3_code String TE90_02
attribute TEMPS902 long_name String Temperature (ITS-90) of the water body, 2
attribute TEMPS902 nerc_identifier String (external link)
attribute TEMPS902 scale String ITS-90
attribute TEMPS902 sdn_parameter_name String Temperature (ITS-90) of the water body
attribute TEMPS902 sdn_parameter_urn String SDN:P01::TEMPP902
attribute TEMPS902 sdn_uom_name String Degrees Celsius
attribute TEMPS902 sdn_uom_urn String SDN:P06::UPAA
attribute TEMPS902 standard_name String sea_water_temperature
attribute TEMPS902 units String degree_C
variable QTEMP_02   int  
attribute QTEMP_02 _FillValue int 2147483647
attribute QTEMP_02 actual_range int 1, 3
attribute QTEMP_02 colorBarMaximum double 10.0
attribute QTEMP_02 colorBarMinimum double 0.0
attribute QTEMP_02 coverage_content_type String qualityInformation
attribute QTEMP_02 flag_meanings String not_evaluated correct inconsistent_with_other_values doubtful erroneous modified missing
attribute QTEMP_02 flag_values int 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 9
attribute QTEMP_02 ioos_category String Quality
attribute QTEMP_02 legacy_gf3_code String QQQQ_03
attribute QTEMP_02 long_name String Quality Flag for Parameter: Temperature (1990 scale)
attribute QTEMP_02 standard_name String status_flag
attribute QTEMP_02 units String unitless
variable PSALST02   double  
attribute PSALST02 _FillValue double NaN
attribute PSALST02 actual_range double 7.3744, 34.922
attribute PSALST02 ancillary_variables String QPSAL_02 QCFF_01
attribute PSALST02 colorBarMaximum double 35.0
attribute PSALST02 colorBarMinimum double 7.0
attribute PSALST02 coverage_content_type String physicalMeasurement
attribute PSALST02 instrument String Sea-Bird SBE4
attribute PSALST02 ioos_category String Salinity
attribute PSALST02 legacy_gf3_code String PSAL_02
attribute PSALST02 long_name String Practical salinity of the water body by CTD and computation using UNESCO 1983 algorithm, 2
attribute PSALST02 nerc_identifier String (external link)
attribute PSALST02 scale String PSS-78
attribute PSALST02 sdn_P02_urn String SDN:P02::PSAL
attribute PSALST02 sdn_parameter_name String Practical salinity of the water body by CTD and computation using UNESCO 1983 algorithm
attribute PSALST02 sdn_parameter_urn String SDN:P01::PSALST02
attribute PSALST02 sdn_uom_name String Dimensionless
attribute PSALST02 sdn_uom_urn String SDN:P06::UUUU
attribute PSALST02 standard_name String sea_water_practical_salinity
attribute PSALST02 units String psu
variable QPSAL_02   int  
attribute QPSAL_02 _FillValue int 2147483647
attribute QPSAL_02 actual_range int 1, 3
attribute QPSAL_02 colorBarMaximum double 10.0
attribute QPSAL_02 colorBarMinimum double 0.0
attribute QPSAL_02 coverage_content_type String qualityInformation
attribute QPSAL_02 flag_meanings String not_evaluated correct inconsistent_with_other_values doubtful erroneous modified missing
attribute QPSAL_02 flag_values int 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 9
attribute QPSAL_02 ioos_category String Quality
attribute QPSAL_02 legacy_gf3_code String QQQQ_08
attribute QPSAL_02 long_name String Quality Flag for Parameter: Practical Salinity
attribute QPSAL_02 standard_name String status_flag
attribute QPSAL_02 units String unitless
variable DOXYSCKG   double  
attribute DOXYSCKG _FillValue double NaN
attribute DOXYSCKG actual_range double 31.867, 346.121
attribute DOXYSCKG ancillary_variables String QOXYM_01 QCFF_01
attribute DOXYSCKG colorBarMaximum double 400.0
attribute DOXYSCKG colorBarMinimum double 0.0
attribute DOXYSCKG instrument String Sea-Bird SBE 43 Dissolved Oxygen Sensor
attribute DOXYSCKG legacy_gf3_code String OXYM_01
attribute DOXYSCKG long_name String Dissolved Oxygen
attribute DOXYSCKG missing_value double NaN
attribute DOXYSCKG nerc_identifier String (external link)
attribute DOXYSCKG standard_name String mole_concentration_of_dissolved_molecular_oxygen_in_sea_water
attribute DOXYSCKG units String µM
variable QDOXYSCKG   int  
attribute QDOXYSCKG _FillValue int 2147483647
attribute QDOXYSCKG actual_range int 1, 9
attribute QDOXYSCKG colorBarMaximum double 10.0
attribute QDOXYSCKG colorBarMinimum double 0.0
attribute QDOXYSCKG coverage_content_type String qualityInformation
attribute QDOXYSCKG flag_meanings String not_evaluated correct inconsistent_with_other_values doubtful erroneous modified missing
attribute QDOXYSCKG flag_values int 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 9
attribute QDOXYSCKG ioos_category String Quality
attribute QDOXYSCKG legacy_gf3_code String QQQQ_10
attribute QDOXYSCKG long_name String Quality Flag for Parameter: Dissolved Oxygen
attribute QDOXYSCKG standard_name String status_flag
attribute QDOXYSCKG units String unitless
variable CPHLPR01   double  
attribute CPHLPR01 _FillValue double NaN
attribute CPHLPR01 actual_range double -0.055, 7.9423
attribute CPHLPR01 ancillary_variables String QCPHLPR01 QCFF_01
attribute CPHLPR01 colorBarMaximum double 10.0
attribute CPHLPR01 colorBarMinimum double 0.01
attribute CPHLPR01 colorBarScale String Log
attribute CPHLPR01 coverage_content_type String physicalMeasurement
attribute CPHLPR01 instrument String Sea-Bird ECO
attribute CPHLPR01 ioos_category String Other
attribute CPHLPR01 legacy_gf3_code String FLOR_01
attribute CPHLPR01 long_name String Concentration of chlorophyll-a {chl-a CAS 479-61-8} per unit volume of the water body [particulate >unknown phase] by in-situ chlorophyll fluorometer
attribute CPHLPR01 nerc_identifier String (external link)
attribute CPHLPR01 sdn_P02_urn String SDN:P02::CPWC
attribute CPHLPR01 sdn_parameter_name String Concentration of chlorophyll-a {chl-a CAS 479-61-8} per unit volume of the water body [particulate >unknown phase] by in-situ chlorophyll fluorometer
attribute CPHLPR01 sdn_parameter_urn String SDN:P01::CPHLPR01
attribute CPHLPR01 sdn_uom_name String Milligrams per cubic metre
attribute CPHLPR01 sdn_uom_urn String SDN:P06::UMMC
attribute CPHLPR01 standard_name String mass_concentration_of_chlorophyll_in_sea_water
attribute CPHLPR01 units String mg m-3
variable QCPHLPR01   int  
attribute QCPHLPR01 _FillValue int 2147483647
attribute QCPHLPR01 actual_range int 1, 5
attribute QCPHLPR01 colorBarMaximum double 10.0
attribute QCPHLPR01 colorBarMinimum double 0.0
attribute QCPHLPR01 coverage_content_type String qualityInformation
attribute QCPHLPR01 flag_meanings String not_evaluated correct inconsistent_with_other_values doubtful erroneous modified missing
attribute QCPHLPR01 flag_values int 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 9
attribute QCPHLPR01 ioos_category String Quality
attribute QCPHLPR01 legacy_gf3_code String QQQQ_05
attribute QCPHLPR01 long_name String Quality Flag for Parameter: Fluorescence
attribute QCPHLPR01 standard_name String status_flag
attribute QCPHLPR01 units String unitless
variable PHXXZZ01   double  
attribute PHXXZZ01 _FillValue double NaN
attribute PHXXZZ01 actual_range double 7.391, 8.137
attribute PHXXZZ01 ancillary_variables String QPHPH_01 QCFF_01
attribute PHXXZZ01 colorBarMaximum double 8.2
attribute PHXXZZ01 colorBarMinimum double 7.3
attribute PHXXZZ01 coverage_content_type String physicalMeasurement
attribute PHXXZZ01 instrument String Sea-Bird SBE18
attribute PHXXZZ01 ioos_category String Other
attribute PHXXZZ01 legacy_gf3_code String PHPH_01
attribute PHXXZZ01 long_name String pH (NBS) of the water body
attribute PHXXZZ01 missing_value double NaN
attribute PHXXZZ01 nerc_identifier String (external link)
attribute PHXXZZ01 nerc_standard_name String pH_NBS_scale_of_the_water_body
attribute PHXXZZ01 scale String NBS
attribute PHXXZZ01 sdn_uom_name String Dimensionless
attribute PHXXZZ01 sdn_uom_urn String SDN:P06::UUUU
attribute PHXXZZ01 standard_name String sea_water_ph_reported_on_total_scale
attribute PHXXZZ01 units String dimensionless
variable QPHPH_01   int  
attribute QPHPH_01 _FillValue int 2147483647
attribute QPHPH_01 actual_range int 1, 9
attribute QPHPH_01 colorBarMaximum double 10.0
attribute QPHPH_01 colorBarMinimum double 0.0
attribute QPHPH_01 coverage_content_type String qualityInformation
attribute QPHPH_01 flag_meanings String not_evaluated correct inconsistent_with_other_values doubtful erroneous modified missing
attribute QPHPH_01 flag_values int 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 9
attribute QPHPH_01 ioos_category String Quality
attribute QPHPH_01 legacy_gf3_code String QQQQ_06
attribute QPHPH_01 long_name String Quality Flag for Parameter: Hydrogen Ion Concentration (pH)
attribute QPHPH_01 standard_name String status_flag
attribute QPHPH_01 units String unitless
variable TRAN_01   double  
attribute TRAN_01 _FillValue double NaN
attribute TRAN_01 actual_range double 18.86, 99.93
attribute TRAN_01 ancillary_variables String QTRAN_01 QCFF_01
attribute TRAN_01 colorBarMaximum double 100.0
attribute TRAN_01 colorBarMinimum double 0.0
attribute TRAN_01 instrument String Sea-Bird C-Star Transmissometer (WetLabs)
attribute TRAN_01 ioos_category String Optical Properties
attribute TRAN_01 legacy_gf3_code String TRAN_01
attribute TRAN_01 long_name String Light Transmission
attribute TRAN_01 units String percent
variable QTRAN_01   int  
attribute QTRAN_01 _FillValue int 2147483647
attribute QTRAN_01 actual_range int 1, 3
attribute QTRAN_01 colorBarMaximum double 10.0
attribute QTRAN_01 colorBarMinimum double 0.0
attribute QTRAN_01 coverage_content_type String qualityInformation
attribute QTRAN_01 flag_meanings String not_evaluated correct inconsistent_with_other_values doubtful erroneous modified missing
attribute QTRAN_01 flag_values int 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 9
attribute QTRAN_01 ioos_category String Quality
attribute QTRAN_01 legacy_gf3_code String QQQQ_04
attribute QTRAN_01 long_name String Quality Flag for Parameter: Light Transmission
attribute QTRAN_01 standard_name String status_flag
attribute QTRAN_01 units String unitless
variable IRRDUV01   double  
attribute IRRDUV01 _FillValue double NaN
attribute IRRDUV01 actual_range double 0.059, 85.588
attribute IRRDUV01 ancillary_variables String QCFF_01
attribute IRRDUV01 colorBarMaximum double 100.0
attribute IRRDUV01 colorBarMinimum double 0.0
attribute IRRDUV01 coverage_content_type String physicalMeasurement
attribute IRRDUV01 instrument String PAR/Irradiance, Biospherical/Licor
attribute IRRDUV01 ioos_category String Optical Properties
attribute IRRDUV01 legacy_gf3_code String PSAR_01
attribute IRRDUV01 long_name String Photosynthetically Active Radiation
attribute IRRDUV01 missing_value double NaN
attribute IRRDUV01 nerc_identifier String (external link)
attribute IRRDUV01 sdn_P02_urn String SDN:P02::VSRW
attribute IRRDUV01 sdn_parameter_name String Downwelling vector irradiance as photons of electromagnetic radiation (PAR wavelengths) in the water body by cosine-collector radiometer
attribute IRRDUV01 sdn_parameter_urn String SDN:P01::IRRDUV01
attribute IRRDUV01 sdn_uom_name String MicroEinsteins per square metre per second
attribute IRRDUV01 sdn_uom_urn String SDN:P06::UMES
attribute IRRDUV01 standard_name String downwelling_photosynthetic_photon_spherical_irradiance_in_sea_water
attribute IRRDUV01 units String µEinsteins s-1 m-2
variable SIGTEQST02   double  
attribute SIGTEQST02 _FillValue double NaN
attribute SIGTEQST02 actual_range double 4.4143, 27.3918
attribute SIGTEQST02 ancillary_variables String QSIGT_02 QCFF_01
attribute SIGTEQST02 colorBarMaximum double 30.0
attribute SIGTEQST02 colorBarMinimum double 0.0
attribute SIGTEQST02 coverage_content_type String physicalMeasurement
attribute SIGTEQST02 ioos_category String Other
attribute SIGTEQST02 legacy_gf3_code String SIGT_02
attribute SIGTEQST02 long_name String Sigma-T of the water body by computation from salinity and temperature using UNESCO algorithm, 2
attribute SIGTEQST02 nerc_identifier String (external link)
attribute SIGTEQST02 sdn_P02_urn String SDN:P02::SIGT
attribute SIGTEQST02 sdn_parameter_name String Sigma-T of the water body by computation from salinity and temperature using UNESCO algorithm
attribute SIGTEQST02 sdn_parameter_urn String SDN:P01::SIGTEQST
attribute SIGTEQST02 sdn_uom_name String Kilograms per cubic metre
attribute SIGTEQST02 sdn_uom_urn String SDN:P06::UKMC
attribute SIGTEQST02 standard_name String sea_water_sigma_t
attribute SIGTEQST02 units String kg m-3
variable QSIGT_02   int  
attribute QSIGT_02 _FillValue int 2147483647
attribute QSIGT_02 actual_range int 1, 3
attribute QSIGT_02 colorBarMaximum double 10.0
attribute QSIGT_02 colorBarMinimum double 0.0
attribute QSIGT_02 coverage_content_type String qualityInformation
attribute QSIGT_02 flag_meanings String not_evaluated correct inconsistent_with_other_values doubtful erroneous modified missing
attribute QSIGT_02 flag_values int 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 9
attribute QSIGT_02 ioos_category String Quality
attribute QSIGT_02 legacy_gf3_code String QQQQ_13
attribute QSIGT_02 long_name String Quality Flag for Parameter: Sigma-T (rho(s, t, 0)-1000)
attribute QSIGT_02 standard_name String status_flag
attribute QSIGT_02 units String unitless
variable SIGTEQ02   double  
attribute SIGTEQ02 _FillValue double NaN
attribute SIGTEQ02 actual_range double 4.4144, 27.3964
attribute SIGTEQ02 ancillary_variables String QSIGP_02 QCFF_01
attribute SIGTEQ02 colorBarMaximum double 30.0
attribute SIGTEQ02 colorBarMinimum double 0.0
attribute SIGTEQ02 coverage_content_type String physicalMeasurement
attribute SIGTEQ02 ioos_category String Other
attribute SIGTEQ02 legacy_gf3_code String SIGP_02
attribute SIGTEQ02 long_name String Sigma-theta of the water body by computation from salinity and potential temperature using UNESCO algorithm, 2
attribute SIGTEQ02 nerc_identifier String (external link)
attribute SIGTEQ02 sdn_parameter_name String Sigma-theta of the water body by computation from salinity and potential temperature using UNESCO algorithm
attribute SIGTEQ02 sdn_parameter_urn String SDN:P01::SIGTEQ02
attribute SIGTEQ02 sdn_uom_name String Kilograms per cubic metre
attribute SIGTEQ02 sdn_uom_urn String SDN:P06::UKMC
attribute SIGTEQ02 standard_name String sea_water_sigma_theta
attribute SIGTEQ02 units String kg m-3
variable QSIGP_02   int  
attribute QSIGP_02 _FillValue int 2147483647
attribute QSIGP_02 actual_range int 1, 3
attribute QSIGP_02 colorBarMaximum double 10.0
attribute QSIGP_02 colorBarMinimum double 0.0
attribute QSIGP_02 coverage_content_type String qualityInformation
attribute QSIGP_02 flag_meanings String not_evaluated correct inconsistent_with_other_values doubtful erroneous modified missing
attribute QSIGP_02 flag_values int 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 9
attribute QSIGP_02 ioos_category String Quality
attribute QSIGP_02 legacy_gf3_code String QQQQ_14
attribute QSIGP_02 long_name String Quality Flag for Parameter: Sigma-Theta (rho(s, Theta, 0)-1000)
attribute QSIGP_02 standard_name String status_flag
attribute QSIGP_02 units String unitless
variable QCFF_01   int  
attribute QCFF_01 _FillValue int 2147483647
attribute QCFF_01 actual_range int 0, 6144
attribute QCFF_01 colorBarMaximum double 1.5
attribute QCFF_01 colorBarMinimum double 0.0
attribute QCFF_01 coverage_content_type String qualityInformation
attribute QCFF_01 flag_meanings String QCFF values are derived from tests of GTSPP stage 2. A quality flag modified by hand has a QCFF value of 1
attribute QCFF_01 flag_values int 0, 1
attribute QCFF_01 ioos_category String Quality
attribute QCFF_01 legacy_gf3_code String QCFF_01
attribute QCFF_01 long_name String Quality flag: QCFF
attribute QCFF_01 standard_name String status_flag
attribute QCFF_01 units String unitless

The information in the table above is also available in other file formats (.csv, .htmlTable, .itx, .json, .jsonlCSV1, .jsonlCSV, .jsonlKVP, .mat, .nc, .nccsv, .tsv, .xhtml) via a RESTful web service.

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